The Fiction and Facts about Sex After 50

Older couple having love
Judging from the images the famous media keeps forth, you had think sex is only to twenty something. Nothing is additional by the truth. Sex at midlife and outside is subject got stuck confusion and misconception. Here are some typical myths and direct story regarding sex after the 50 age.
Fiction- after a certain age limit people have shows little interest in sexual act.
Facts- there are no age limit to do sexual activity but for some people who has above 50 ages sexual satisfaction depends on the relationship quality than it done in younger couples. According to one survey reported as among people of age 60 and above who have doing regular sexual activity, 74% of men and 70% of women search their sexual life more satisfying than once they were in their forties.
Fiction- as man ages he is become to loses the proper erection ability.older-sex-life.jpg
Facts- aging it is not a cause of impotence. But removing the hormones level do come down some changes. A man can desire more physical stimulation to lead aroused, and his erection cannot be frequent as firm as once he was in youth category. But sex is not get down for pleasure moment. While a 25 years old man will be able to get a second chance of erection within the 15 minutes after first ejaculation but 50 year ole man have few hours to do this.
Fiction- psychological and emotional factors are countable in woman to get lack of interest in sexual activity at midlife and outside.
Fact- physical factors are very important to play huge role. Hormonal changes in menopause will affect on women sexual activity. Low estrogen levels are directly affecting on vaginal dryness which causing discomfort at the time of intercourse. In some women, lack of energy and weak sexual derive happens due to lack of low testosterone levels. Other women search their interest in sexual act increases once menopause due in type to switch in the ratio of testosterone to progesterone and estrogen.

Red Wine- Health Benefits for Healthy Life

There are so many people who are feeling odd to take a wine in the dinner time. Actually wine is the good for our health and do not feel guilty. The researcher studies that the French people are always being healthy due to the consuming red wine in their regular diet.
Some effective health benefits of red wine are as follows:
Keep heart healthy- red wine has include the most effective antioxidant as resveratrol which is assists to decrease the saturated fat that are collected in arteries. Wine also full with saponins and flavonoids which will prevent your cardiovascular health. But make sure that you should keep a limit of the intake of wine otherwise it can cause very sober health issues. Thus drink in moderate amount will works well and also improve the HDL cholesterol level.
Get Antioxidant by Red Wine- red wine contains resveratrol along with it is full with the other antioxidants that also effective to decrease the sign of aging and also protect from numerous health problems such as Type 2 Diabetes. It also facilitates to avoid the elderly diseases as osteoporosis. Thus a glass of red wine in a day is enough to stay healthy.
Protect tooth decay- red wine stay your teeth always white as pearl and helps to get hardens in tooth enamel that protects tooth decay and reduce the bacterial growth. Polyphenol is found in red wine which organic chemical assists is to reduces the gum inflammation and also protect by gum diseases. red-wine-is-healthy-for-women-health.jpg

Breathe easy- we hate the situation about not able to take breathe in right way due to cold blocked under the nose. Drink red wine in limit amount to solve the breathe problem and live with fresh breathe. If you consume red wine daily then you may never face the nose block problem.
Young and healthy skin- the antioxidants is the most vital factor in red wine effective to our body slower the aging process and reduces the wrinkles, fine lines and boost the bones strong. Thus you may feel young and healthy any time.
Cancer prevention- moderate amount of red wine intake is great to decrease the risk of breast cancer in women, lung cancer and prostate cancer. Guercetin is the element in wine reduces the chances of lung cancer.
Long and happy life- red wine is one of the great sources to maximize your lifespan with certain level. Thus take a glass of red wine with dinner and enjoy long and healthy life.