5 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Food Poisoning

Basil- basil is one of the best natural home medicines which are

Ginger- ginger is another beneficial home ingredient assists almost

all kinds of digestive issues regarding food poisoning. Add some ginger juice drops into the teaspoon of honey and consume it several time interval in entire day. Raw ginger is also effective as it improves the acid level within stomach as result foods easily get digested. You may drink one cup of ginger tea immediate after the lunch or dinner which facilitate to prevent heartburn, nausea and so many symptoms related with food poisoning.
Honey- Honey has contained both antibacterial and antifungal properties which will be beneficial for curing indigestion and some other symptoms. Honey is pure natural remedy is available in pure types or mixed with tea. A teaspoon honey take at least 3 times in a day will facilitate wonders to heal about stomach issues and indigestion. It is also helps to maintain the excessive acid within the stomach.

Water- once you are experiencing with food poisoning your body can lose more water intake. Thus try to maintain the hydrate level of your body by consuming more intake of water in whole day. At least 8 glass of water should be consumed in daily basis which is help to protect from dehydration. After the water capacity of your body may be up to mark, then bacteria and toxins within your body can flush out. This may assists within fast recovery.
Garlic- garlic is very beneficial dealing with food poisoning symptoms because of it’s contain hard antiviral, anti fungal and anti bacterial ingredients. It can give quick result with positive indication about food poisoning side effects like as abdominal pain and diarrhea by removing unhealthy microbes within the intestines. Take a fresh garlic clove and swallow it along with water. If you have not liked a smell of garlic then you may try garlic juice.