5 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Food Poisoning

Basil- basil is one of the best natural home medicines which are basil.jpgtreating on infections caused because of food poisoning. Add tablespoon honey into the basil juice and drink it for plenty of time in a day. you may also keep a some drops of basil oil into the 1 liter of water and after that this water drink throughout day because of it will helps to remove the bacteria which is causing stomach pain and some other health issues. Another method to get pleasure benefits of basil is simply adding basil leaves within the three tablespoon of yogurt, little salt, and pinch of black pepper and eat this mixture 3-4 times in a day till the symptoms of food poisoning are all remove from stomach.
Ginger- ginger is another beneficial home ingredient assists almost ginger.jpg
all kinds of digestive issues regarding food poisoning. Add some ginger juice drops into the teaspoon of honey and consume it several time interval in entire day. Raw ginger is also effective as it improves the acid level within stomach as result foods easily get digested. You may drink one cup of ginger tea immediate after the lunch or dinner which facilitate to prevent heartburn, nausea and so many symptoms related with food poisoning.
Honey- Honey has contained both antibacterial and antifungal properties which will be beneficial for curing indigestion and some other symptoms. Honey is pure natural remedy is available in pure types or mixed with tea. A teaspoon honey take at least 3 times in a day will facilitate wonders to heal about stomach issues and indigestion. It is also helps to maintain the excessive acid within the stomach. honey.jpg
Water- once you are experiencing with food poisoning your body can lose more water intake. Thus try to maintain the hydrate level of your body by consuming more intake of water in whole day. At least 8 glass of water should be consumed in daily basis which is help to protect from dehydration. After the water capacity of your body may be up to mark, then bacteria and toxins within your body can flush out. This may assists within fast recovery.
Garlic- garlic is very beneficial dealing with food poisoning symptoms because of it’s contain hard antiviral, anti fungal and anti bacterial ingredients. It can give quick result with positive indication about food poisoning side effects like as abdominal pain and diarrhea by removing unhealthy microbes within the intestines. Take a fresh garlic clove and swallow it along with water. If you have not liked a smell of garlic then you may try garlic juice.

The Fiction and Facts about Sex After 50

Older couple having love
Judging from the images the famous media keeps forth, you had think sex is only to twenty something. Nothing is additional by the truth. Sex at midlife and outside is subject got stuck confusion and misconception. Here are some typical myths and direct story regarding sex after the 50 age.
Fiction- after a certain age limit people have shows little interest in sexual act.
Facts- there are no age limit to do sexual activity but for some people who has above 50 ages sexual satisfaction depends on the relationship quality than it done in younger couples. According to one survey reported as among people of age 60 and above who have doing regular sexual activity, 74% of men and 70% of women search their sexual life more satisfying than once they were in their forties.
Fiction- as man ages he is become to loses the proper erection ability.older-sex-life.jpg
Facts- aging it is not a cause of impotence. But removing the hormones level do come down some changes. A man can desire more physical stimulation to lead aroused, and his erection cannot be frequent as firm as once he was in youth category. But sex is not get down for pleasure moment. While a 25 years old man will be able to get a second chance of erection within the 15 minutes after first ejaculation but 50 year ole man have few hours to do this.
Fiction- psychological and emotional factors are countable in woman to get lack of interest in sexual activity at midlife and outside.
Fact- physical factors are very important to play huge role. Hormonal changes in menopause will affect on women sexual activity. Low estrogen levels are directly affecting on vaginal dryness which causing discomfort at the time of intercourse. In some women, lack of energy and weak sexual derive happens due to lack of low testosterone levels. Other women search their interest in sexual act increases once menopause due in type to switch in the ratio of testosterone to progesterone and estrogen.

List of LBD-Friendly Foods

list of LBD friendly food
We all have living with one dream as looking fit and slim in our party wear but unfortunately it is very difficult task to do. So that here is the best way to discuss about LBD friendly foods with you which are facilitate to become in reality our dream. Here is the list of some effective foods which is fight with swelling and help to get good digestion that is gives you to look beauty in party wear.
Melon- if you think swelling is effect of liquid holding, and then consumes those foods which is full with the water intake such as melon. It is great food that has pack with water ingredients help to reduce the water retention symptoms and irregularity such as water is diuretic. The amount of water that is bestowed in melon is incredibly abundant helpful for health. Generally Bloating cause due to dehydration of body. So by having this sort of fruits you'll be able to rehydrate yourself and conquer that bloats.
Soda bread- If you ascertained that you just square measure experiencing bloating additional typically and uncomfortable once uptake, then is such condition you would like to chop down your intake of quantity of yeast containing food. On will do is exchange your traditional bread with soda bread because it doesn't contain yeast. Together with this add fiber together with your soda bread because it helps to alleviate constipation which can slip your LBD. Beside this fiber inside soda bread helps to get rid of all waste products that contribute to swollen abdomen.
Vegetables- In order to suit in your LBD, it's essential to create a limit on sugar intake. You’ll have a lot of Vegetables as they're low in sugar that could be a healthy method. So you would like to incorporate lots of vegetables in your diet. Vegetables are required for better Health as they absorb plant like mycotoxins and carry them out of our body. These funguses cause epithelial duct downside so to avoid it this is often the most effective resolution.
Chicken- BY having chicken your body gets protein that makes your abdomen full for lasting and beside this it assists to stabilize your blood glucose levels .This is a decent news if you would like to cut back bloating and gas as we have a tendency we are hungry we reach for carbohydrates or sweetened foods; that causes bloating
Yogurt- yogurt is one of the great LBD friendly food because of have plenty of reasons. Yogurt is excellent source of water that is battle with water retention related problems.
Eggs- protein is the best ingredient easily found in eggs as we all know. It is effective to stay fresh you for long time in daily routine.